The tools traditionally used by publishers have been upgraded, as have the products they deliver. The reason, is because their market has changed from paper-and-ink readers to digital information junkies who want to consume information on the go, when it suits them, where it suits them. Publishers who want to take advantage of the iPad publishing revolution for their newspapers or magazines often want to know how they can create digital versions of their existing print content. Well, it really is simple, now that a new publishing platform has been launched. That platform is MagCast!
MagCast Platform
Newsstand is Apple iTunes’ dedicated gateway for digital newspapers and magazines. Instead of storing all digital applications together, Newsstand is the place for readers to access the latest copies of their favorite publications. After you have created your newspaper or magazine and optimized it with the MagCast platform, it will be sent to Newsstand from where your readers can access it for free or on a subscription basis.
When you create your newspaper or magazine, there are a few important aspects to be considered:
A simple newspaper or magazine loads faster. While interactivity and many spectacular images can be immersed, they can also take away from the reader experience. Readers like to read, and they enjoy seeing pictures along with the content. However, they don’t want images to be the bulk of the content which they pay for. Therefore, optimize your digital edition with speed in mind. Too many large images slow down loading times. Single lay-out columns that can be scrolled are better than flashy navigation schemes and pagination.
Distribution Strategy
Do you want to publish the same digital edition at the same time as your print edition? There are many options available to publishers. From special editions, to free editions and paid editions to daily, weekly or monthly editions. Whichever option you choose, the Newsstand will constantly update and display the cover of your latest edition with updated information. That means that the latest information will be there when the reader wants to read.
Selling advertising for your newspaper or magazine will help recover some of the printing and distribution costs. However, with digital editions these costs are only a fraction of the costs of printing and distributing a print edition. When offering advertisers space in your newspaper or magazine, they will want results. If you use MagCast as your publishing platform, you will be able to track their efforts on Google Analytics. You can track user behavior from the moment they see the ad first to the moment they buy from an advertiser. This means that you will be able to provide in-depth feedback to help advertisers to make critical changes to their marketing strategies in order to increase their results.
In order to maintain relationships with your readers, you will want to build a list. MagCast offers a great list-building tool to ensure that you can capitalize on relationships with your readers. Your list is an imperative tool for your success. It enables you to personalize advertising campaigns and optimize content for your readers.
When iPad editions first started making headlines (no pun intended!), creating digital newspapers and magazines was difficult. However, many companies have since started creating platforms to help publishers to get the word out to users who have switched from paper and ink to iPads and other tablet devices. Everyone knows that you have to change with your market and that’s why savvy publishers are taking advantage of the production savings to build a global subscriber base.
Find the Right Publishing Partners
Right now, the only difficult part of creating digital editions of your newspaper or magazine is to find the right publishing partner. Instead of simply choosing the best-known or the cheapest platform, consider service and quality. MagCast offers an amazing marketing platform that helps with more than just publishing your newspaper or magazine.
Then of course, you need to decide whether you are going to create your iPad newspaper or magazine app in-house. If you don’t have the time or know-how, it might be an idea to partner with to create your app. After all, they have been publishing with MagCast since their inception!
To learn more about how can help you with your newspaper or magazine publishing project leave your email above to get free access to all the details of their services.