The Easy Way to Publish Magazines on Apple Newsstand

Have you ever Considered Publishing a Digital Magazine? Have you ever flipped through the pages of a glossy magazine and thought that you could easily create a similar one?  Of course the minute you get such a thought you automatically think of the technicalities and expenses involved and shrug it away. Let’s forget about the printed magazines. Have you ever considered publishing a digital magazine? Statistics prove that a digital magazine has the potential to target a more wide spread audience when compared to printed magazines. Digital magazines are not at the mercy of national barriers...

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Convert Your Magazine Digital to iPad’s Format

There is no Better Time to go Digital Now is the time to go digital if you want to increase your magazine subscriber base. Advertisers and businesses are realizing the power than iPad editions can provide for them. Anyone is now able to publish content to Newsstand and similar platforms to give readers access to all their preferred content. iPad editions give the option of increasing numbers and global expansion much easier than old fashion printed magazines do. Technology has made it possible to increase business much quicker through digital editions than with traditional printed magazines....

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Become a Magazine Maker for iPad with MagCast

MagCast the iPad Publishing Platform MagCast, a comprehensive publishing platform, is designed to help you create and publish digital magazines directly to the iPad using Apple’s Newsstand. To ensure the best possible reading experience, MagCast provides different models of the iPad with different versions of the magazines. MagCast offers access not only to a full training course but also to the MagCast platform. Using this simple platform you can easily publish your magazine on the iPad. But the most important feature of MagCast is that it will give you your own app, professionally...

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How to Publish a Magazine for Apple iPad

MagCast Makes Publishing Simple, Fast and Cost Effective Digital publishing has been considered to be expensive and therefore prohibitive for many publishers who lacked the technical skills to create, develop and optimize digital publications. MagCast has removed these obstacles for publishers as the system makes publishing digital magazines simple, fast and extremely cost-effective. Publishing with MagCast is easier than you might imagine and you are able to publish incredible looking content that readers will love to read and subscribe to for more. MagCast Helps Create Awesome...

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MagCast Digital Publishing Software Revolution

The World is Changing to Digital! The change has already begun. Change is accelerating now and it will continue to accelerate. You can sense this change in each and every aspect of human life, even in the Digital Publishing World. It’s a silent revolution which has already transformed the publishing industry. Traditional publishing process and strategy have become outdated and less effective. We have entered in a new era called Digital Magazine Publishing. And MagCast, a revolutionary platform for any content provider wishing to create a iTunes Newsstand magazine, is one of the leading...

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