And The Passig Islet Saga Continues…

Last time, we talked about how the people behind iStaffSource took an out-of-town trip for a team-building at Passig Islet, Sta. Cruz. We learned how they took advantage of the sun, wind, water, and sand to make their weekend a very memorable one. We also now know that these people enjoyed eating A LOT of food to satisfy their humongous appetites. Burp! Now, what did they do with the rest of the afternoon?

After a leisurely swim, nearly-endless photo-snapping, and also nearly-endless snacking on the buffet table, the iStaffSource team engaged in a couple of very fun but very unique games.

IMG_0315First up is the Reverse Sack Race, which is your good ol’ Sack Race with a funny twist. Instead of you getting inside the sack and hopping around like a hyperactive bunny, you will have to put the sack (or, for this matter, a black trash bag!) over your head and still manage to hop around like a hyperactive bunny until you have circled around your route and passed the “sack” to the person next in line. First team to complete the cycle wins! Sounds complicated? Not really. Just a bit difficult when you can’t see anything. And a bit crazy, too. But really, really fun.

Next up is a simple card game called 1234 Pass. With a twist, of course. If you’re not familiar with this game, let me enlighten you. Here, a deck of cards is equally distributed among the group. The members are circled around a table and each person passes along one card from his stack to the person next to him, as everybody yells 1234 Pass! The goal here is to complete a series of cards with the same Number (e.g., all Queens, all Aces, all 7’s, all 5’s, etc). Normally, the first person to complete his set yells “PASS” and puts his hand at the center of the table. The last person to smack his hand at the center will be the next “It” (or, the next dealer).

IMG_0342Now, here’s the twist: Instead of the stationary “Pass,” the first person to complete the set gets the privilege to choose where he will smack his palm (READ: anywhere). You can choose the spot under the table, the next table, the wall of the cottage about 30 meters away, the top of the coconut tree, or you can simply run around and go back to where you started. Check this out:

And you thought card games were just for indoors! For such simple games, we sure had one heck of a great afternoon. We almost burst our spleens with all the running and almost tore our mouths with all the laughter.

After some more snacks and some more photo shoots, we got ready to leave and embarked on another journey across the choppy sea and drove back to our respective homes. All in all, every minute of the day was worth it. This day gave us a big break, recharged our energies, and helped us prepare to deliver more quality work for iStaffSource.

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