Make a Newspaper or Magazine for Apple iPad

Apple iPad Publishing Revolution As a publisher, you have probably heard about Apple iPad digital publishing. The newsprint industry often experiences ups and downs and that’s where iPad publishing can help to revitalize and revolutionize your newspaper or magazine publication. Increasing numbers of publishers are taking advantage of digital publishing and as such as making their publications available to tablet readers. No matter how big or small your newspaper or magazine topic is, a tablet app can inject new life and personality into it. The iTunes Newsstand enables iPad users to...

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Create a Newspaper or Magazine for iPad

Advantages of Digital Newspapers and Magazines is Endless The list of advantages of digital newspapers and magazines is endless, however here are some of my favorite ones. You can easily reach a global audience with digital newspapers and magazines. Even if your loyal subscribers relocate, they are still able to access your quality content anywhere around the world. Digital newspapers and magazines will never replace hard copies as most people still want to have a printed copy. Close to 90% of digital newspaper and magazine readers have indicated that they want to have access to a printed...

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Convert Your Magazine Digital to iPad’s Format

There is no Better Time to go Digital Now is the time to go digital if you want to increase your magazine subscriber base. Advertisers and businesses are realizing the power than iPad editions can provide for them. Anyone is now able to publish content to Newsstand and similar platforms to give readers access to all their preferred content. iPad editions give the option of increasing numbers and global expansion much easier than old fashion printed magazines do. Technology has made it possible to increase business much quicker through digital editions than with traditional printed magazines....

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MagCast Digital Publishing Software Revolution

The World is Changing to Digital! The change has already begun. Change is accelerating now and it will continue to accelerate. You can sense this change in each and every aspect of human life, even in the Digital Publishing World. It’s a silent revolution which has already transformed the publishing industry. Traditional publishing process and strategy have become outdated and less effective. We have entered in a new era called Digital Magazine Publishing. And MagCast, a revolutionary platform for any content provider wishing to create a iTunes Newsstand magazine, is one of the leading...

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Digital Publishing on the iPad Couldn’t be Easier

Apple iPad is a Brilliant Publishing Opportunity Everybody knows the advantages of publishing to the Apple iPad. It is a brilliant opportunity to connect instantly with thousands of likeminded users across the globe. Whether you are a writer, photographer or just an ordinary individual who feels they have interesting content to share,  you can instantly convert your content into a money making tool by publishing it to the iPad. There are loads of apps available on the market, which claim to assist you in publishing freely to iPad. Most of them will instruct you to convert your content into...

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