Make Digital Magazines for the Apple iPad

Publishers Need to Use the Resources of Digital Platforms

If you are a publisher, you will want to use all resources at your disposal to get your content and message out there. Digital platforms such as MagCast offer a range of great tools to get quality content to your audience. The key is to find a program that has user friendly workflow and efficiency to get the publications designed and broadcasted.

Consumers around the world have iPads and other mobile devices whereby content can be read digitally. Publishers can take advantage of this and earn some additional advertising revenue. Smart advertisers are capitalizing on this and making tons of money. Magcast provides the platform to upload, optimize and broadcast your publications across the Newsstand platform.

Capitalize on the fast growing world of Digital Media

Digital publications are fast becoming a viable distribution channel for various media publications. Businesses with offline publications need to discover the art of turning this opportunity into a money making machine. It all starts with producing quality content that will have customers signing up for subscriptions and turning those subscriptions into sales.

Publishers can make use of Magcast’s easy to use publication system. This allows them to create their digital magazine and optimize it for distribution via Apple’s Newsstand platform. Publications are distributed efficiently and in a cost-effective manner, saving on print and delivery costs.

Create and Distribute content without having to duplicate it

Editors should be able utilize workflow simply in a way that permits them to distribute content without having to duplicate it. Having the best tools at their disposal makes this task easier and safer.

Use plugins to produce content daily, weekly or monthly as it suits you

The tools integrate easily with other applications to make the flow of work seamless. With these tools at their disposal, publishers will find that there is no limit to what can be achieved in the world of digital publications and distribution.

Publishers have the ability to create more interactivity by using the widgets that are available. These can be used on the web and built-in in HTML5. The widget tool permits publishers to add widgets at their convenience, thereby adjusting layouts and settings without needing a diploma in web design. There are numerous widgets available to assist publishers to this end.

Capitalize on Advertising Revenues

Publishers can capitalize on making money in a variety of ways. Some of these include upselling, cross selling, special editions, sponsoring, advertising and sponsorships. With careful planning and strategic thinking, there is no limit as to how much money can be made using this platform. Measuring circulation and reader engagement are crucial tools to determine just how to move forward in an attempt to make money. Again, tools are available to help you collate and track this vital information.

Publishers need to keep readers engaged for a long time so that they are exposed to the advertising long enough to satisfy advertisers. Use Magcast’s tools to create the most captivating content possible. Add widgets, links, scrollable areas and hotspots to keep customers interactive and coming back for more. All of these resources will help to keep readers spending more time on the content and therefore exposed longer to advertising.


Statistics tell a Beautiful Story

Advertisers will love feedback on how readers respond to the advertising and editorial content. Publishers and advertisers will be able to access Analytics and make sense of reader patterns. This can be drilled down to specific adverts and articles alike. There is so much that can be done with this incredibly useful information.

Use support staff at to help with any publishing related issues

Thanks to, anyone can publish and manage an iPad magazine and analyse statistical information and turn it into money. iStaffSource understands customer needs and are able to assist with many different iPad publishing services. Feel free to contact them today for assistance with your iPad Publishing needs. Leave your  best email below to get instant access!


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iStaffSource Publishing Services is

iPad Magazine Layout and Design Package

iPad Magazine Conversion and Publish Package

iPad Magazine Reviews and Social Proof Package

We provide total customer satisfaction for our Publishing Services in accordance with our terms and conditions.

Our Digital Magazine Production and Publishing team will work with you to delivery the magazine to your satisfaction.

No questions, no hassles - it's that simple.

Image 1: ABC

Image 2: Digital Arts

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